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Ghana Contract Monitor

5. Offshore South-West Tano Block

Contract Parties

OPCO (Operator), Heritage E&P, Blue Star E&P, GNPC EXPLORCO.

Effective Date/Initial Exploration Period

Effective Date: February 5, 2015

Initial Exploration Period (2.5 years+2 years extension): February 5, 2015 – August 4, 2019

Minimum Exploration Program (Initial Phase)

  • Reprocess up to 175sqkm of 3D data

  • Drill one (1) Exploration Well

Minimum Expenditure


The Contractor has informed the PC of its plan to drill its first exploration well, Asanfena-1X in Q3 2020. Contractor began the process of procuring goods and services for the well.

Drilling of well may be deferred to 2021 due to the CODVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, the contractors submitted to the Petroleum Commission, plans for exploration drilling preparatory activities including contracting of key services, and plans to secure a rig. These plans were however suspended on account of Covid.

The Minister for Energy granted GOSCO a restitution time of nine (9) months to compensate for the time lost due to the pandemic.

The contractors plan to drill their obligatory exploration well, Mansonia1X in Q2 2022.

In 2021, GOSCO completed well planning and drilling-related procurement of goods and services, as well as preparations for drilling its mandatory exploration well, Mansonia-1X, in Q4 2022.

GOSCO changed its name to OSWT & EK Operating Company Ghana Limited (OPCO) in March 2022, which was brought to the attention of the Minister of Energy.

OPCO has revised its timeline for drilling its obligatory exploration well, Mansonia-1X, from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the second quarter of 2023.

OPCO conducted well planning and procured goods and services related to drilling in 2021, preparing for the drilling of its obligatory exploration well scheduled for Q4 2024. This is yet another rescheduling, following previous delays from Q4 2022 to Q2 2023, and then to Q4 2023. Additionally, OPCO is reported to be in discussions with Tullow for a potential rig-sharing opportunity.

OPCO has an outstanding surface rental balance of US$100 for the Offshore South West Tano Block